Protecting mining pods from dust and water | Part One

2022-10-18 13:22
To organize an effective air cooling system for a mining container, not only powerful fans are needed. It will be necessary to install elements that provide protection against the penetration of unwanted objects. Dust, water drops, foliage, birds, small animals.
The Z-shaped ventilation grilles that Aipro Energy installs on its containers form the first line of defense. The gratings have a good throughput, allowing even high-power ventilation equipment to work quietly.
All joints and seams are carefully processed from moisture. After assembling the product, the tightness is checked by a strong pressure of water from different angles. by a strong pressure of water from different angles.
In the next video we will tell you about the filtration system we use in our containers. Aipro Energy is your trusted provider of mobile mining infrastructure.
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